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Peer and ordering service node operations service

Peer and ordering service node operations service

The peer and the orderer host an HTTP server that offers a RESTful “operations” API. This API is unrelated to the Fabric network services and is intended to be used by operators, not administrators or “users” of the network.

As the operations service is focused on operations and intentionally unrelated to the Fabric network, it does not use the Membership Services Provider for access control. Instead, the operations service relies entirely on mutual TLS with client certificate authentication.

Certificate management in edeXa Universe

In edeXa universe every entity gets a Digital Certificate issued to them by a trusted Certificate Authority. These digital certificates are used to sign the transactions. Entities with valid Digital Certificates can interact with the network successfully. All communication takes place over a secure TLS connection. As role-based access is granted on the digital signature, keeping that isolated from unauthorized access and providing high secured transactions.

  • TLS Certificates
  • Fabric Digital signature Certs
  • Fabric related Certs
  • User Certs

Providing services in the edeXa Universe

We would like to explain the following points in a brief overview:

  • Adding new Organizations to existing consortium.
  • Private Data supported Chaincodes.
  • Customers can create secure channels with other Customers.
  • Customers can upload their own chaincode to channels
  • API-based automated deployments for Channels and Chaincodes
  • Creation of ERC-20 and NFT’s (ERC-721) on edeXa Universe